I am going to say right now that this will be full of foul language because I am so frustrated and annoyed and just need some shit to be done.
All of the things I have posted on facebook for you all to read are true about TBI, what can happen to the survivor the medical issues of memory loss, etc...yeah it does happen. But there is some more.
Did you know that apparently your body will fall apart from top to bottom in a slow teasing way?? And in that process you will lose your job. Yeah, I was on the beach when I took all my time off of work. I was relaxing on the beach drinking a Pina Coloda for 4 months not recovering from a Traumatic Brain Injury which I almost died from!!!!. And then when my galbladder randomly crapped out I was in Ireland dancing with Leprechauns and getting smashed off of whiskey and beer, not having Bile explode into my body and end up in the hospital for 8 days because I had to have a stent placed on my liver because I was critical!
You will also be known pharmacists on almost a first name basis. When they see you in the neighborhood they will say hi to you.
The parking attendants at 2 hospitals will know you and say hi to you and comment if you are not looking particularly well one day.
You will suffer from depression because your life was taken out from under you in a slow way. You will be bitch slapped because you thought life was getting back on track but then your body craps out on you some more and you lose what you have regained of your life.
You will find out who your real friends are. Yeah so FUCK YOU to those of you that were my "friends" when I was in the hospital either in a coma, or in a drugged state, or still out in left field, or kind of coming back to normal but still not quite there yet. So yeah, THANKS for being there for that and not around now when I am a fully functioning (minus a job and a skull flap) human being that could REALLY use some damn friends now. I need a social life, I still want a social life, I still want some of my old life back. Guess that wont happen. Guess my life is left on a street in Shadyside Pa along with some of my skin from when I skidded 38 feet down the street after being flung from the motorcycle. Or maybe my life is with my jeans, shirt, bra, and underpants that I had on that night. I would be interested to see where all of that has ended up.
Other things will randomly fall apart with your body too. I now have a UTI and my friggin neurosurgeon called me to tell me that. How random is that??? And I go to a gastrointestinal doctor now. Guess who is gettin a colonoscopy now???? Yeah My ass is getting ready for it's close up.
Am I angry??? You bet I am. I am angry at myself, the SOB who put me in this position, and my so called friends. Or people who were a huge part of my life, whether work wise or social life wise. I am mad at you. You should know who you are on both aspects. Yeah a lot of times i have to get my anger out this way and not face to face because A. I dont see the people I am mad at, and B, it is hard for me sometimes to have a normal friggin conversation because I lose my words now. Especially when I am upset!
And so after I get my plate in my head. DECEMBER 8 if my infection in my urinary tract goes away, I need to heal from that super fast because I need a damn job because I need health insurance. I cant pay for COBRA all the damn time. And I am going to have to get over my apprehension of getting a new job and having to learn new things and having to explain to people that I am not retarded I have just had my brain re-arranged.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....who needs psychotherapy and meds when you can get it all out on Blogger for free???
Kara...I freaking love your ass! Colonoscopy and all!! Be mad, be pissed, and get it off your chest! Life sucks...this I know first hand! BUT...for every dumb ass friend you lost, I bet you have gained others! Who cares if they are pharmacists, parking lot attendants or cafe workers! Or even a scrambled brain hot chick that live 8hrs away! You will get everything in life that you feel you are missing back! Duh...you are after all WW!!! And...I love your ass! So there!